Seeking the Invisible

As we near the end of October, our Children’s House is thrilled to welcome our parent observers to come and take a peek into our little community and daily activities. We have been brushing up on our Grace and Courtesy to welcome our guests (including how to offer some hot tea), and I have heard at least one child say to a guest, “welcome to our Children’s House!” And another prepare some tea.. As conferences are around the corner, I am looking forward to sharing with parents about the beautiful progress and transformations that are happening in your individual child in the context of our whole community and so glad to have you come in to see for yourself!

It is this time, that the biggest work of the Montessori guide now begins:  to set a challenge before each child and support them to see it through to the end. It is the strengthening of each child's character. Our whole team works together to encourage each person to act in a meaningful and purposeful way through lessons in Math, Language, Sensorial refinement, Catechesis and Practical Life. The materials provide the necessary activity that offers an opportunity for collaboration between their body, mind and spirit which not only supports concentration, but also brings them peace and joy! 

 Every visible choice and behavior reveals something invisible within us. What I mean by that is that what we see in a child’s action is only “the tip of the iceberg”, so to speak of what goes into making a choice or responding to a stimuli. Recognizing each person means that we are also seeking to understand the invisible interior when we see a child’s choices or behavior. What are their interests? What are their emotions? What are their gifts? What is their struggle? Who is this child in the eyes of God? These are the questions that I ask when seeking the invisible. As the adults who get to journey alongside your children each day, we embrace both the joys and struggles and rejoice with each person in the moment that they discover that what was once hard is not now a favorite!