Faculty and Staff 2019-2020

Dear Parents,

As you know, this is the time of year when we begin planning for next year. I have been in conversation with each of the staff members, assessing and evaluating the projected needs of the community and the opportunities in which the adults can best serve the children. I would like to share with you the results of these discussions.

Primary: Through observation, Dr. Montessori recognized that self-construction happens before the age of six, so our Primary Program is the cornerstone upon which our school has been built. We have decided to use the gifts the Lord has given us, namely two AMI-trained Primary directresses, to make this community as strong as it can be. Miss Annie has been a constant guiding force in our Children’s House for several years, and she will be joined by Mrs. Jen Ashton full-time in that environment. Both women are also trained in the Catechesis of the Good Shephed, and we have every confidence that together they will lead the children closer to the Good Shepherd and to reaching each of their own full potentials.

Toddler: Mrs. Ashton’s service of the youngest members of our community has been an answer to prayers and is something for which we are truly grateful. This year, Mrs. Nguyen has been orienting to this work alongside Mrs. Ashton and has graciously agreed to continue on in this capacity in the fall, as the lead of our Young Children’s Community.  

Elementary: Mrs. Luetkemeyer and Miss Emilia Fusco will be returning as Guide and Assistant in Elementary, and Mrs. Miller will be returning as Catechist. The community has come a long way in terms of establishing the kind of culture we have hoped to create, and we see only good things in store for our second-plane students and the staff who work with them.

Erdkinder: After three years at RMS, Dr. Rubin will be moving on to other ventures. We owe her a debt of gratitude for founding our Adolescent Program, and we wish her all the best in her future work. We are very excited to announce that Mrs. Mary Pat Blanchette, our current school nurse, has agreed to take on the task of rebuilding this program to more fully meet the needs of our current families. The program will now be a middle school offering only, with a balance between the work of the hand and a classical approach to education. Mrs. Blanchette hopes to be a facilitator and liaison for the adolescents between the work they do on campus and what lies beyond: spiritually, socially, and academically. A registered nurse and former middle school teacher, Mrs. Blanchette will, through inspiring guest speakers and real-world experiences, support the children as they move toward taking their places in society as productive, thoughtful adults of virtue and integrity. Mrs. Kate Wolf will be returning to continue to guide the outdoor and animal work and as Catechist for the middle school children. (We will be holding a gathering, details to be announced, for prospective students and their families as soon as possible!)

Administration: Mr. Garvey will continue on as Head of School with myself as Principal. Miss Sophia Fusco will be getting married and moving out of state, so Miss Mary Arnold will work in the office as our floater assistant. We are grateful to Miss Sophia for her versatility and are sure that Miss Mary, with two years of experience in the Children’s House, will be able to function beautifully in this new role.

We are truly blessed each year to have an amazing community of families and staff, because relationship is what makes this school thrive and the longer we are in it together, the farther we can go to see this vision of Catholic Montessori realized. We are grateful for your trust in us and are looking with hopeful enthusiasm at the years ahead.

God bless,